Apple TV and iPhone YouTube ads are not blocked by DNS adblockers (e.g. Pi-hole), so I heavily researched this and discovered a flaw in Protobuf that allows me to restrict YouTube ads on Apple TV and iOS by simply changing one byte in the Protobuf responses after decrypting HTTPS network traffic.
Sometimes you just want to check in on your home services over public WiFi, but the firewall is smarter than most, and VNC and VNC-related cloud services are blocked. What you do is register a vanity domain name, have it resolve to your home gateway, then use an encrypted VNC session over port 443 (HTTPS).
For my machine learning projects, I need data you just can’t buy. This requires SPA (Single-Page App) web data extraction involving multiple clicks and page scrolling that curl can’t handle. Headless Chrome puppeted by RDP (Remote Debug Protocol) is a brilliant solution for this. Here is how I orchestrated several headless Chrome instances across several VPNs in Docker.