Profile Remote Java Apps with VisualVM or JMC

Goal: Sometimes we need to profile remote Java apps that leak memory or are killed by the OS. Let’s connect through an SSH tunnel to a remote JVM running JDK 11 on an embedded Ubuntu system and profile memory and CPU usage with free tools VisualVM (or Java Mission Control) and JStatD1.

Here is the end result of our efforts.

VisualVM using JStatD, JMX, SOCKS proxy, and an SSH tunnel
VisualVM using JStatD, JMX, SOCKS proxy, and an SSH tunnel

Being able to profile remote Java apps lets us visualize memory leaks that might not happen for hours.

Profile remote Java apps and find memory leaks
Profile remote Java apps and find memory leaks

Motivation: The OOM killer on my ODROID XU4 running Bionic (Ubuntu 18.04) comes to life now and then killing my important Java daemon process. I’d like to know why. Is my Java process leaking memory? Is another process growing uncontrollably? I’ll take a trip through system logs, then install and start up an RMI server JStatD daemon under JDK 112, set up a SOCKS5 proxy, and finally, connect to my embedded SBC with VisualVM to profile the Java memory usage.

First, here is how I found out how often processes are killed:

Finding killed processes with journalctl
Finding killed processes with journalctl

To prevent my Java app from ever being killed, I gave it a low OOM score like other critical processes have (e.g. sshd) as a temporary Band-Aid solution:

Next, let’s see what htop shows us. I’ll just look at the top usage.

Htop memory and CPU usage
Htop memory and CPU usage

I restarted the machine about three hours ago and the real memory has grown to 334MB. What is causing the memory increase?

Long story short, in my case systemd-journal grew to over 200MB which spun up the OOM killer. This was because the process cloudshell-lcd was calling a program smartctl to get the HDD temperature multiple times per second, but it wasn’t installed (apt-get install smartmontools solved this). Each failure resulted in a new log entry which, for the current boot session, was resident in memory and growing. Journald was then limited in memory usage.

Having identified and hopefully solved the memory issue, I’d just like to be thorough and see how my Java agent process is performing. Let’s get started with remote profiling.

Step 1. Install the Java JDK on the remote system

The JRE is installed because Java processes are running. We need a small server tool called jstatd to listen on a couple of ports for VisualVM to communicate with and attach to running JVMs. This tool is a development tool, so the Java JDK is required. Since Java 8 is officially not receiving free updates from Oracle any longer (as of January 2019), it’s really time to upgrade to JDK 11.

You might be wondering why OpenJDK is showing version 10 when you installed JDK 11. That’s because JDK 11 wasn’t released generally until September of 2018, and until then JDK 11 really packaged JDK 10. Here is a discussion about it.

Step 2. Create the JStatD security policy file

Many of the guides I’ve found are valid up to Java 8. From Java 9 everything changes. These are the steps to take for Java 11 and hopefully beyond.

If you are looking for tools.jar from another guide, it’s gone – replaced with jdk.jstatd in the policy file. More on that next.

For security reasons the jstatd process cannot attach to any JVM, so it needs a security policy file. For JDK 11 an all-permissive policy file is shown below. Notice that permissions need to be given for jvmstat as well, another departure from previous Java 8 guides. This is not recommended for a production machine running, say Tomcat, but is good enough for small embedded SBCs3 and machines.

Step 3. Start the JStatD server daemon

Let’s start the jstatd RMI server daemon using this command.

Gotcha: The -J-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP is needed to indicate that our embedded device’s IP is the hostname to work properly with VisualVM. If you connect with a hostname (set in a hosts file) then this parameter is not needed.
For the brave, you might get away with using -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=`hostname -I | cut -f1 -d' '` to automatically get the private server IP address, or use simply `hostname -f` to use the server hostname. Your mileage may vary.

Now the process is running in the background and listening on two ports. One port is the “rmiservice” port 1099, and the other port is… random. Let’s find out that port next.

Netstat to find the random jstatd port
Netstat to find the random jstatd port

In this example, the random port is 36955. Now, how do we open the firewall to a random port? The answer is… transparently.

It’s tempting to run netstat -tlpn and find both jstatd ports. If using UFW, run ufw allow 1098,1099,xxxx,yyyy/tcp where xxxx and yyyy are the random ports for JStatD and JMX (see step 6). When you are finished, you can run ufw delete allow xxxx for each port. Be warned that you will need to open four ports.

Step 4. Create an SSH tunnel with a SOCKS5 proxy

This is actually easier and safer than poking holes in the firewall. Let’s create a dynamic SSH tunnel to the remote JVMs that bypasses the firewall as far as VisualVM is concerned. This way that random port can be connected to transparently.

Linux SSH tunnel

On Linux it is as simple as can be. Open a new terminal, run this command, and minimize the terminal. Our SSH tunnel will be accessible on local port 9000. To exit, press ctrl+c as usual.

Windows SSH tunnel with PuTTY

You can open a command window and run plink.exe, but the PuTTY GUI is more fun with settings for SSH keys and logging. Let’s set up an SSH tunnel with PuTTY.

First, create or duplicate your SSH connection settings that you normally shell into with.

PuTTY create new SSH tunnel session
PuTTY create new SSH tunnel session

In the SSH setting, check “Don’t start a shell or command at all” as this is just a tunnel, not a shell window. It’s also a good idea to enforce SSH version 2 since we are here.

For the PuTTY SSH tunnel don't start a shell
For the PuTTY SSH tunnel don’t start a shell
Tip: You can customize many aspects of a PuTTY session. Since the session window needs to stay open and minimized, you can relabel the terminal window. Click on Window > Behaviour and set the window title to something like “SSH Tunnel”.

Next, and most importantly, be sure to set a dynamic destination. Do not select either “local” or “remote”. We want the tunnel to terminate at essentially the NIC so we can connect to any port we like as the authenticated user.

PuTTY SSH tunnel set a dynamic destination
PuTTY SSH tunnel set a dynamic destination

Connect. Is the SSH tunnel established? Right click on the title bar and select “Event log”. You can see the connection is established on port 1099 and a random port. In this case that port is 36955. Minimize this window. When we are finished with VisualVM we can return to this window and terminate the tunnel with ctrl+c.

PuTTY SSH tunnel event log
PuTTY SSH tunnel event log

Step 5. Start remote JVM (with optional arguments for JMX)

If you are okay with only heap memory graphing over time, or you are unable to add any additional startup parameters because the process is already running, you can run the JVM as you normally would and skip this step.

For more powerful profiling abilities (and the ability to perform a heap dump), let’s enable the JMX4 built into Java with some additional properties.

We bypass SSL (TLS) authentication because we are SSH tunneling and we trust the tunnel. Set the JMX port to 1098 so it is easy to remember. The hostname again must the hostname or IP VisualVM connects to. See the warning below.

Remember: With JMX connections you must use a different jmxremote.port for each app you want to deeply profile.

Gotcha: The -J-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=IP is the same with jstatd and is needed to indicate that our embedded device’s IP is the hostname to work properly with VisualVM. If you connect with a hostname (set in a hosts file) then this parameter is not needed.
For the brave again, you might get away with using -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=`hostname -I | cut -f1 -d' '` to automatically get the private server IP address, or use simply `hostname -f` to use the server hostname. Your mileage may vary.

There should be no error messages, and your Java app should be running. Let’s look at netstat -tlpn again. JMX opens port 1098 and another random port. Aren’t you glad we used an SSH tunnel and don’t have to configure firewall rules for random ports?

JVM JMX opens port 1098 and a random port
JVM JMX opens port 1098 and a random port

Step 6. Configure the VisualVM SOCKS proxy

In VisualVM5 select Tools > Options > Network and ensure you enable manual proxy settings with the SOCKS proxy set to localhost (where PuTTY or ssh on Linux is listening) and port 9000. We’re instructing VisualVM to connect through our SSH tunnel via SOCKS.

VisualVM proxy settings with the SSH tunnel
VisualVM proxy settings with the SSH tunnel

Step 7. Add remote hosts, JStatD, and JMX connections

Click on “Remote” in the Applications panel and “Add Remote Host”. Let’s use the same IP or hostname as we did when we set up the JStatD and JMX settings. If you used the IP address then use that again here. The default port is 1099, but you can click “Advanced Settings” to change the JStatD port. We must start with a JStatD connection before we can establish a JMX connection.

VisualVM add remote host and JStatD port
VisualVM add remote host and JStatD port

Within a few seconds, we’ll see under our new remote host the jstad daemon process and any running JVM apps. This means we’ve succeeded in connecting to JStatD through the SSH tunnel.

Next, and only if you’ve started a Java app with the additional JMX parameters from above, right click on our remote host and “Add JMX connection”. Let’s use the JMX port 1098 we designated earlier. Leave the security credentials unchecked, but let’s make sure to check “Do not require SSL connection” because we are using an SSH tunnel instead.

VisualVM add JMX connection
VisualVM add JMX connection

We should now see our running Java app and PID (Process ID) in parenthesis. Double-click on this app name and all the wonderful profiling information reveals itself.

VisualVM using JStatD, JMX, SOCKS proxy, and an SSH tunnel
VisualVM using JStatD, JMX, SOCKS proxy, and an SSH tunnel
Tip: To increase the graphing period from the default one hour, select Tools > Options and update the charts cache. I’ve set mine to twelve hours (720 minutes) to adequately catch heap growth.

Here are the CPU, heap, number of classes, and number of threads.

Profiling remote Java app reveals a possible memory leak
Profiling remote Java app reveals a possible memory leak

Here is the real-time thread visualization.

VisualVM real-time thread visualization
VisualVM real-time thread visualization

Finally, you can see a heap histogram to identify how your memory is distributed.

VisualVM heap memory histogram
VisualVM heap memory histogram

Oracle Java Mission Control

If you prefer Oracle Java Mission Control, set the SOCKS proxy under Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections with the same localhost:9000 endpoint as above with VisualVM. Close this window and in the JVM Browser pane right click and add the remote connection running JMX. You can specify port 1098 (JMX) directly.

Java Mission Control with SOCKS proxy and JMX connection
Java Mission Control with SOCKS proxy and JMX
Success: We’ve successfully installed JDK 11, started JStatD on the remote server, set up an SSH tunnel to avoid adding firewall rules, configured a SOCKS proxy, started a remote Java app with JMX, and launched VisualVM (or JMC) into a profiling session.



  1. JStatD monitors Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) and enables remote monitoring tools to attach to JVMs.
  2. Most guides and tutorials found in 2019 are out-of-date beyond JDK 8.
  3. SBC = Single-Board Computer
  4. Java Management Extensions
  5. Current as of VisualVM version 1.4.2